We recognize the importance of working towards a better future for our planet, which is why as of 2024, Dozen Bakery is Climate Neutral Certified. In addition to decreasing our emissions through improving our business practices in accordance with suggestions from Change Climate Org, we also purchase carbon offsets through Tradewater, who dispose of used refrigerants to keep their harmful emissions from entering the environment.


In order to receive our certification, we worked with Change Climate to measure our current carbon emissions from the production of raw materials to delivery vehicle emissions.

Our total calculated 2023 carbon emissions:

38 tonnes of CO₂e


We are actively working to reduce the carbon emissions created by our bakery by making approved changes to our systems. A few examples include:

Transitioning 100% of our labels and copy paper to recycled labels and paper.

Eliminating all polyester ribbon across all holiday packaging.


What carbon emissions we are unable to eliminate, we offset by monetarily backing projects that actively reduce the amount of CO₂ entering the atmosphere.

We are backing Tradewater, an approved B-Corp that works to prevent used refrigerants from entering the environment as harmful carbon emissions.


Tradewater Refrigerant Solutions is a mission-based B-Corp that creates, develops, and implements high-value projects that permanently prevent the world’s most potent greenhouse and ozone-depleting gases from releasing into the atmosphere. Tradewater has collected, controlled, and destroyed halocarbons and methane equivalent to 7.5 million metric tons of CO2 thus far, and has set a bold new goal of collecting, controlling, and destroying at least 3 million tons of CO2e annually moving forward.


Here at Dozen, we do what we can to ensure our practices are as kind to the Earth as possible. Here are a few ways we stay sustainable at Dozen on top of and in conjunction with maintaining our Climate Neutral Certification:

- We compost with The Compost Company and recycle.

- We donate leftover bread and pastries to places like Project Return and Trevecca Urban Farm.

- We work with Music City Environmental to recycle oil waste responsibly. 

- We use recycled materials for paper office supplies and go paperless whenever possible for workflow tasks.

- We use compostable plastic items for our togo food and drinks whenever possible.

- We work with as many local vendors as possible to reduce shipping emissions.

- We repurpose food waste into other products when possible.


  • Carbon neutrality means achieving a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. Achieving carbon neutrality, or climate neutrality - which counts other greenhouse gases in addition to carbon dioxide - can help accelerate the world on its path to net-zero by 2050.

  • We receive our certification through Change Climate, a nonprofit organization that works to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by creating the world's most recognized and trusted climate label, paired with accessible, action-focused tools and resources.

  • The fight to end climate change is ongoing. We are required to re-certify every year with new goals and new offsets in order to continually improve our sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint. Stay tuned for our re-certification and new goals in 2025!